electronic prescription

Electronic Prescription That Drives Adherence

Improve health outcomes with secure, and reliable electronic prescription, while reducing errors with patient specific pricing and pre-approval.

electronic prescription

Prescription adherence plays a big role in care outcomes

Prescriptions, both and electronic, are not adhered to due to affordability and lack of price visibility, errors in prescription, access to pharmacy or adverse events.

82 %

Patients are interested in having a prescription sent directly to their pharmacy

13 %

Of 1.6 million readmissions are caused in part by adverse reactions to drugs

95 %

Of errors occur due to failure to consider potential side effects and interactions

Fully digital, secure prescription solution designed to improve adherence

Advaa Health’s electronic prescription solution offers access to formulary pricing in local markets, pre-approval from clinical workflow, improving adherence and outcomes. 

Fully digital, secure prescription solution
Fully digital, secure prescription solution

Offer Convenience of Electronic Prescription

Improve health outcomes with secure, and reliable electronic prescription, while reducing errors due to mis-dosing, drug contraindications, drug to allergy interactions.

Improve Patient Prescription Adherence

Improve Rx Adherence with patient specific pricing, coupons, and insurance prior authorization from within your electronic Rx workflow, and reducing approval wait times.

Secure, Controlled Substance Prescriptions

Ability to prescribe controlled substances when needed by patients allows physicians to deliver care to patients in needs, and deliver faster and better care.

Engage Patients and Improve Health Outcomes

Improve Rx adherence by automating prescription renewal and refill requests. Add notes for pharmacist to ensure that the prescription is delivered accurately with unique patient directions.

Prescribe on the go with Mobile Prescriptions

Compatible with both web and mobile application that offers full features of medication management, adherence, price check, designed to offer ease of use while reducing error rate.

Advaa brand

Key Features

Web, Mobile Electronic Prescription

Write prescriptions on the go from web as well as mobile application that offers full features of medication management, adherence, price check, designed to offer ease of use while reducing error rate.

Save time by delegation parts of the prescription to your team members, while maintaining approval and monitoring control. Ability to review and sign Rx written by staff.

Web, Mobile Electronic Prescription
Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA)

Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA)

Get your patients on preferred treatment and improve health outcomes with electronic prior authorization that is integrated with your prescription workflow. Allowing you to modify prescriptions based on patients insurance coverage. 

Save admin time by reducing the time spent your staff spend on phone with insurance companies for approval. Reduce overall approval time for most ePA’s to minutes.

Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA)

Pricing Integrated with eRX Workflow

Advaa Health electronic prescription provides you easy access to drug formulary and patient-specific drug pricing in all local pharmacies and compares with the patient pharmacy, so you can discuss pricing patients affordability before finalizing Rx. 

You can also access any pharmacy coupons, vendor coupons or any other financial assistance available for patients to reduce out-of-pocket Rx costs for patients and improve treatment adherence and health outcomes.

Pricing Integrated with eRX Workflow
Drug, Allergy Contraindication Alerts

Drug, Allergy Contraindication Alerts

Integrated, OneClick Access to Medication History, including patients Allergy history allows you to confirm Drug to Drug, Drug to Allergy, interactions before finalizing Rx, reducing chances of adverse events and improving outcomes. 

Active  alerts within the eRX workflow may help reduce post treatment errors and need to change medications, saving patient money, and avoid any delay in care while improving overall treatment adherence.

Drug, Allergy Contraindication Alerts

Connected With Nationwide Pharmacies

Advaa Health is electronically connected with most of pharmacies in US, empowering physicians to send physicians to pharmacies preferred by patients and that is offering most competitive drug pricing. 

Electronic access to pharmacies may also reduce dispensing errors, prescription fraud while keeping physicians compliant with local and state laws as well as reduce HIPAA  violation risks.

Connected With Nationwide Pharmacies
Access to Discounts, Coupons and Rx Financial Assistance

Access to Discounts, Coupons and Rx Financial Assistance

Reduce out of pocket prescription costs for patients by accessing discounts, pharmacy coupons or any special financial assistance offered by drug manufacturers. Any coupons can be electronically shared with patients. 

Patient awareness of out of pocket expenses for a drug allows physicians to Rx medications that patients can afford and improves patients engagement and improved treatment outcomes.

Access to Discounts, Coupons and Rx Financial Assistance

Ability to Prescribe Controlled Substances

Advaa Health offers ability to prescribe Controlled Substance Prescriptions secured with SSO login, 2 Factor Authentication through mobile or email and ID.Me personal verification. 

Our secure, and compliant EPCS capability helps physicians meet federal requirement that mandates electronic prescription for all controlled and high risk substances from Jan 1, 2021.

Secure, and HIPAA compliant eRx solution
Ability To Delegate and Collaborate

Ability To Delegate and Collaborate

Advaa Health prescription module allows physicians to delegate parts of workflow to nurses and physician assistants and setup final approval process to help expediate turnaround time for patient requests. 

Physicians can monitor and manage the prescription activity of staff to ensure safety, reduce errors and misuse, while reducing workload for themselves.

Ability To Delegate and Collaborate

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